Examples Coral Reef Rescue

For example, if a macheral fisherman, who's quota is 100,000 kg a year, and he decides to not collect 50,000 kg, then there are 50,000 units/ kg not caught. If the average macherall is 8 kg then every 8 units is a living fish that is not brought ashore. Therefore the uncollected 50,000 kg/units is 6,250 fish.
CRR would sell 6250 fish to not be caught. With each unit selling for 9.50 AUS each it means each fish would be available for 76 dollars.
CRR would sell 6250 fish to not be caught. With each unit selling for 9.50 AUS each it means each fish would be available for 76 dollars.
A second example is a coral farmer or licenced collector. Though the quotas in Australia a quite small the larger operators may move from the ocean 650 sq meters of reef a year. Though corals, sponges and other marine organisms will re colonise that area of ocean floor over time, having the coral operator leave some of the reef in the water so that it never comes out is a better outcome overall.
Coral Reef Rescue is a long term supporter of Coral Futures Corporation ( www.coralfutures.com.au ) and its work in Western Australia which is to build completely new coral reef in the ocean using the multi decade research work done by Australian Coral Farms.
For example, if a macheral fisherman, who's quota is 100,000 kg a year, and he decides to not collect 50,000 kg, then there are 50,000 units/ kg not caught. If the average macherall is 8 kg then every 8 units is a living fish that is not brought ashore. Therefore the uncollected 50,000 kg/units is 6,250 fish.
CRR would sell 6250 fish to not be caught. With each unit selling for 9.50 AUS each it means each fish would be available for 76 dollars.

CRR is audited by Arnold and Partners
CRR is audited by Arnold and Partners, which is a respected Perth accountancy firm with its offices in based in Perth. Coporate Marine partners with CRR have their quota data audited independently by Arnold Partners which then is able to produce a full audit, and unitise trail of the product concerned. This authenticates the original legal licencing structure, and quota. The audit for a given year then authorises the number of units available for sale for that year. That is how many units were not used in the audit period.
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